Written By width on Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011 | 00.28

That is: Narrated Anas. He said: It has been said   Messenger. : When there is something from the business world your, then you know more about it. If no business dienmu, I would place   return (follow me). (Reported by Ahmad).
That is: Dirwayatkan from 'Aisha: The Messenger. said:   Whoever did it is not our order, then it is rejected (not accepted). And in another narration: Whoever invents in our order is not from him, then it is rejected. While in another report: Those who do any business other than our order, then it is rejected.
(HR.Ahmad. Bukhary and Abu Dawud).

Contents of the two Saheeh hadith above explains clearly and firmly that all acts, practices whose relationship with the Dien / company with 'at, especially in compulsory ubudiyah problem and guidance in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Prophet. Can not be added and / or reduced even by thoughts seemed better. Among Muslims the way the devil whispered an increase in business Dien. Unfortunately, these things considered about trivial, inconsequential and trivial. But such action is a very fatal crash and dangerous.
Word of the Messenger of Allah. :
"Narrated Ibn Abbas said: Verily Allah's That. Preached to men during the pilgrimage Wada '. Then he said: Verily Satan has given up (the work) so that they worshiped in this bumimu. But it is pleased when (whisper) obeyed in the case of addition, namely that a practice that you consider spam from your deeds, be careful of you. I have to leave you, yangjika you hold on to it you would not be lost forever. That is: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah His Prophet. "(Narrated Hakim).
Therefore, it can be understood how the Prophet. reminds us to always beware of provocation against the devil to do with the guidance of the Prophet even though it appears nothing. "Narrated Al-Harits Ghudwahaif may Allah it said: It is said the Prophet.: Each bid` a people hold, would then lifted (removed) semisalnya traditions. So steadfast in applying the Sunnah is better than having innovated "(Narrated by Ahmad).
So, when bid'ahs arising howsoever small, at the same time the Sunnah have been destroyed. Eventually over time to see the only thing Dien innovation while the Sunni and the original has been closed. At the time, the Muslims will be weak and dominated by the enemy.
God willing, soon we will celebrate the arrival of Ramadan, in this blessed month we are required in fasting Ramadan
entire month, which it is one part of the pillars of Islam. Therefore it is very important. Related to the case above, then we must make every effort to be able to perform this sesempurna fast as possible, completely independent from the innovation in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Prophet.
For the medium is the message which is explained a few things related to amaliah fasting of Ramadan, charity fithrah, and Prayer 'IED
based on texts that Shariih (obviously). Evidence - evidence and made ​​so simple CONCLUSION between good relations with his decree. And, no ivory that is not crack the saying goes, of course this newsletter is far from perfect, to achieve perfection is expected help from users. Hopefully, this pamphlet is accepted by God as Amal Salih is particularly useful in the afterlife. Amien.
1. "O you who believe fasting is prescribed for you all, as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye righteous" (Surah Al-Baqarah: 183).
2. "Month of Ramadan, the month in which the Qur'an was revealed as a guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and judgment (between haq with falsehood), so whoever among you witnesses (inclusion of this month), then he should fast ... "(Al-Baqarah
: 185).
3. "It is said the Prophet.: Islam was founded on five: bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad ituadalah
messenger of Allah. Establish regular Prayer Zakah in Ramadan fasting pilgrimage to the Kaaba. (HR.Bukhari Muslim).
4. "Narrated Talha bin 'Ubaidullah reported.: That there is certainly one of them asked the Prophet.: She said: Messenger of Allah, tell
to fasting required by God to me. He said the fast of Ramadan. Then the person asked: Are other fasting is prescribed for
me too. He said no, unless you Sunnah. ".
CONCLUSION: From the verses and hadith-hadith above, we can remember:
1. Ramadhan is the ruling Prescribing 'Ain (propositions 1, 2, 3 and 4).
2. Ramadhan disyari'atkan to complete devotion (evidence no 1).
1. That is: Narrated Abu Hurairah: That indeed the Prophet. once said: When the month of Ramadan: It has come to the blessed month, is prescribed to you for the fast, this month opened the door of Jannah, the gates of Hell are closed, Demons tied up. In this month there was a night nilanya with a thousand months, whoever banned the benefits (do not do well in it), so was banned (not benefit the rest of the year in the month). (Narrated by Ahmad, Nasai and Baihaqy. Hadith Sahih Ligwahairihi).
2. "Narrated Urfujah, he said: I was in 'Uqbah bin Furqad, then go to where we were one of the Prophet's Companions. When Utbah
view it is feared him, he quietly. It said: it describes the fasting of Ramadan, he said: I have heard the Messenger of Ramadan: The month of Ramadan around the gates of Hell are closed, open all doors Jannah, and in Satan chained. Moreover, they say: And in this there is an angel who always cry: O you who are always looking for / do you good cheer, and you who are looking for / do evil stop (from evil). The call continues didengungkan until the end of Ramadan. "(Reported by Ahmad and Nasai)
3. "Narrated Abu Hurairah. The Messenger. Said: Prayer five times, Prayer Friday until next Friday Prayer, fasting of Ramadan until the next Ramadhan, it is closing the sins of (small) made ​​between them, when avoided the major sin. " (HRMuslim)
4. "Narrated 'Abdullah bin' Amr, that indeed the Prophet. Said: fast and pray for the intercession of the Qur'an is a slave on the Day
Resurrection. fast say: Rabbku, I have to prevent him eating and channel devote the day, so give me the right to
pray for his intercession. And say the Qur'an: O Rabbku I prevent him sleep at night (because membacaku), so give me
the right to pray for intercession for him. They both denied the right to memmintakan intercession. "(Reported by Ahmad, Hadith Hasan).
5. "Narrated Sahal bin Sa'd: Allah's Messenger said: that Allah for Jannah there is a gate called" Rayyaan ".
Day said: Where is the fast? (To enter Jannah through the door), where the last of them had entered the door,
ditutuplah the door. "(Narrated by Muslim Bukhary).
6. Messenger. said: Whoever fasts Ramadan because of faith and sincerity, then his previous sins forgiven and now (HR.Bukhary
CONCLUSION: The Hadith on giving a lesson to us, the priority of Ramadan and the priority work in it, including:
1. Ramadan is:
  • Month of Barakah.
  • In this month opened the door of Jannah and the gates of hell are closed.
  • In this month plagued Demons.
  • In this month there one night a priority work in it better than a thousand months of work in other months, the night HEWAN QURBAN.
  • In each and every day there is an angel who calls who do good advise to have fun and do ma'shiyat to refrain. (Proof 1 & 2).
2. Priority work in the month of Ramadan, among others:
  • Charity was able to close the small sins of late after Ramadan until the next Ramadan.
  • Making Ramadan syafaa't pray.
  • Especially for the fast provided special door called Rayyaan   to enter Jannah. (Proposition 3, 4, 5 and 6).
1. "Narrated Ibn 'Umar. He said: People either see Hilal (crescent moon), then report the matter to akupun Rasululullah saw. I
say: indeed I have seen the Hilal.   Then he saw. fast and ordered everyone to fast. "(Reported by Abu Dawud, Al-Hakim and Ibn Hibban). (Hadith Sahih).
2. "Narrated by Abu Hurairah. That surely the Prophet. Said: Start fast and break fast for viewing ru'yah (akhirilah fast
Ramadan) to see ru'yah. When clouds cover the eyes, then complete the month of Ramadhan for Thirty days.   "(Narrated by Bukhary
  • Set the beginning and end of Ramadan with a view ru'yah, although sourced from a report, proceedings of an important fair (reliable).
  • If the crescent moon (Hilal) is not visible because the clouds closed, for example, the number of months of Sha'ban rounded a Thirty days. (Propositions 1 and 2).
  • Basically ru'yah seen by people in a country, which applies to the whole world. This will occur if the Khilafah 'Ala Minhaajinnabiy is vertical (proposition 2).
  • During the caliphate not vertical, to prevent widespread dissent Muslims about this, Muslims should follow the proceedings of ru'yah see in their respective states. (This is only the opinion of some scholars).
1. "... And eat and drink until the white thread becomes clear to you from the black thread of the dawn, and then
the fast till night ... (Al-Baqarah: 187).
2. "Adi bin Hatim said: When this verse means (... to clear you from the black thread white thread ...), so I took a string of black and white string, and both pieces of string is stored under bantalku akau. So I noticed at night, but not visible at all, so I went to the Prophet. And I tell this to him. Beliapun said: The question is the dark night and bright daylight (dawn). "(Reported by Muslim Bukhary).
3. "Allah Ta'ala says:" And they asked, except to serve God with mengikhlashkan obedience to Him "(Al-Bayyinah: 5)
4. "The Prophet. Said: It all works should be the intent, and everyone gets a reward according to what was intended." (HR
Bukhary and Muslim).
5. "Narrated Hafsah, he said: It is said the Prophet.: Whoever does not beniat (Ramadhan) since last night, there is no fast
for him. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood) Sahih Hadith.
Info hadit above verse and gives a lesson to us that the rule of fasting of Ramadan is as follows:
a. Intention from the night (propositions 3.4 and 5).
b. Withholding food, drink, coitus (Jima ') with his wife during the day from dawn until sunset (Maghrib), (propositions 1 and 2).
1. "O ye who believe it was prescribed for you all to fast, as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye righteous." (Al-Baqarah: 183)
2. "Narrated from Ali., He said: Verily, the Prophet has said, has taken pen (obligation syar'i / taklif) from the three groups.
- From a madman until he recovered - from the bedroom   until the rise - from the children until he dreamed / adults. "(Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and
Evidence of teaching us that: the obligatory fasting of Ramadan is: everyone believes both men and women who have
adolescent / adult and healthy mind / conscious.
1. "Narrated 'Aisha. He said: When one menstruating at the time of our Prophet, we are prohibited from fasting and ordered mengqadhanya, and we do not
qadha ruled Prayer "(HR Muslim Bukhary).
Evidence of advising us that women who are menstruating are prohibited until the expiry of the time haidhnya fast, and continue the fast. Outside the fast of Ramadan is obligatory, qadha left for the proceedings of menstruation.
VII. THAT given the flexibility to NOT FAST RAMADHAN
1. "(The time required to you is fasting) month of Ramadan which was sent down the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind, and the
Signs clear guidance, and (explaining) between the haq with falsehood. Therefore, whoever among you
saw the new moon of Ramadan (or know), then he should fast during that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, then (be it
break, then He must fast) of the day left on the other days. (The ruling in that) Allah willed
for you ease, and He does not want you to difficulties. And that you complete the number of fasting (Ramadan month), and
that ye may glorify Allah for getting pertunjukNya, and to be grateful. "(Al-Baqarah: 185.)
2. "Narrated Muadz, he said: Verily, Allah has already ordained the prophet for the fast, the DIA sent down the verse (in the letter
Al-Baqarah: 183-184), then at that time if anyone would like to fast and he would feed a poor person, they accepted. Then Allah revealed another verse (Al-Baqarah: 185), then the obligation of fasting ditetapkanlah for each county and healthy person and given rukhsah (lightness) for the sick and traveling, and set enough to feed the oran misikin for the very old and can not fast. "(Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, al-Sufism with Sanad Saheeh).
3. "Abu Hamza Al-Islamy from: Messenger of Allah, I find that hard to me fast in safar, berdosakah me? Then he said:
it is a mercy from Allah, so whoever uses it is a virtue and those who prefer to continue to fast there is no sin "(HRMuslim)
4. "Narrated Sa'id Al-Khudry reported. He said: We travel with the Prophet. Makkah, we are in a state of fasting. Moreover, they
said: We stopped at a place. So the Prophet. said: 'You all have to be placed close to the enemy you,
and break to give more power to you. This is rukhsah, there are some of us are still fast and some are breaking. Then we stopped at another place. But he also said: Verily, tomorrow you will meet the enemy, breaking more strength to you, then break fast. This is therefore a necessity, I was taken all the breaking. Then when we are traveling with the Prophet. we are fasting. "(Reported by Ahmad, Muslim and Abu Dawud).
5. "Narrated Sa'id Al-Khudry reported. He said: One day we went to war with the Prophet. In the month of Ramadan. Among us there
the fast and we have a break between. Who disapprove of breaking the fast, and the breaking of the fast disapprove. They argue that anyone who found himself the strength and fast, it is good and anyone who finds himself weak and breaking, then it is also good "
(Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim)
6. "From Jabir bin 'Abdullah: That indeed the Prophet. Go head to Mecca at a time fathu Mecca, he was fast reaching Kurraa'il Ghamiim and all the people that he also joined the fast. Then reported to him that people who join him heavily, but they
fast because they see what you eat (fasting). So he called and drank a glass of water. While people see her, so
some break and some others may remain fasting. Then up to his ear that there is still determined to fast. Then He too said they were guilty. "(HR.Tirmidzy).
7. "Speech by Ibn Abbas: pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding when worry over their children's health, it can not fast and quite
ransom, the feeding of the poor "(Reported by Abu Dawud). Saheeh
8. "Narrated Nafi 'from Ibn' Umar: That surely his wife asked him (about the fasting of Ramadan), and he is in a state of pregnancy. Therefore
he said, break fast and feed one poor person a day and do not have to qadha fast. "(Reported by Sufis) Saheeh.
9. "Narrated Sa'id bin Abi Urwa from Ibn Abbas, he said: When a pregnant woman is concerned about the health of himself and women
nursing is concerned about the health of children if the fasting of Ramadan. He said: Both can be fast (not fast) and must feed one poor person a day and not have to qadha fast "(HR.Ath-Thabari with Saheeh chain on syaratMuslim, AL-irwa Book Volume IV case 19).
CONCLUSION: The lesson can be drawn from the evidence above is: The Mu'min is given the flexibility allowed not to fast   Ramadan, but must qadha in other months, they are:
  1. Patients who still have hopes of healing.
  2. People who travel (Musafir). Traveler who feel strongly can proceed fast in safarnya, but who feel weak and better weight fast, and not encouraged to force yourself to fasting.
Mu'min people who are given the flexibility allowed for no compulsory fasts and qadha, but mandatory redemption (to feed one poor person a day). These are people who do not   longer able to work fast because:
  1. He was very old and weak.
  2. Women who are breastfeeding and concerned about the health of children.
  3. Because pregnant and concerned about the health of himself.
  4. Chronic pain with no hope of recovery.
  5. People who daily heavy work which could not afford worked as fast and had no other light work. (Propositions 2,7,8 and 9).
1. "... And eat and drink until the white thread becomes clear to you from the black thread (dawn), then complete your fast Till the night ..." (Al-Baqarah: 187).
2. "From Abu Hurairah.: That Allah's prophet. Has said: He who forgets, he was in a state of fasting, then he eats or drinks, let him complete the fast. This is because a gift of Allah to give him food and drink" ( Saheeh hadeeth, narrated by Al-Jama'ah except An-Nasai).
3. From Abu Hurairah. declare that the Prophet said: Whoever vomits unintentionally, but it is fast - it is not required qadha (fast is still valid), and he who seeks sehinggga vomiting intentionally, then he should qadha (invalidate the fast). (HR: Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidziy)
4. It is narrated that `A'ishah said: When one we berhaidh (next month) during the Prophet. we were forbidden to fast and ordered to mengqadhanya
and we are not commanded to qadha prayers. (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
5. Narrated Hafsah, he said: It is said the Prophet. Whoever does not intend to fasting (Ramadan) since last night, there is no
fast for him. (Reported by Abu Dawud) hadeeth Saheeh.
6. The Messenger said: That indeed all charities should be with the intention   (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
7. Narrated Abu Hurairah. He said: A man said to the Prophet: O Messenger of Allah I stuck my wife intercourse (during the day) when I was in fasting (Ramadan), the Messenger of you a slave to Punyakah liberated? It said:. Messenger: Can you fast for two months straight? He said: No. He
said: Punyakah you prepare food to feed sixty poor people? He said: No. Then he was silent, then when we were in such a situation, the Prophet   come with a basket of dates, he asked: where people who had asked? take it
These dates and shadaqahkan him. Then the person asks: What is the poorer people from me, O Messenger? By Allah, there is no between
angle-angle (Medina) poorer family than my family. So the Prophet. then laughed up his series, your teeth look and said:
Take it to feed your family. (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
Verses and hadith-hadith mentioned above tell us that things can break the fast (Ramadan) is as follows:
  • Accidentally eat and drink during the day. When you forget to eat and drink during the day, it does not invalidate the fast. (Evidence: 2)
  • Deliberately make vomiting, when vomiting with unintentional, it does not invalidate the fast. (Evidence: 3)
  • During the day infusion intent to break. (Evidence: 5 and 6)
  • Intentionally intercourse wife in the day of Ramadhan, it is well invalidate the fast in the form of contact with the law: the freeing of a slave, when not afford it, fast two consecutive months, and when not afford, then feed sixty poor people. (Evidence: 7)
  • Next month of Ramadan during the day (before the time in Morocco). (Evidence: 4)
IX. CAU TIME they can do fast.
1. Narrated Aisha That indeed the Prophet. in junub Shubuh till he was in a state of being fast, and then wash. (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
2. Narrated Abu Bakar bin Abdul-Rahman, from some friends of the Prophet. he said to him: And I saw the Prophet. pour water on his head while he was in the fast because of wear and because hot air. (Reported by Ahmad, Malik and Abu Dawud)
3. Narrated Ibn Abbas. That indeed is his Prophet CUPPING in fasting. (HR: Al-Bukhary).
4. Narrated Aisha was the Prophet kissed (his wives) while he was in the fast and the mix and flirt flirting with her ​​(
less than intercourse) is his fasting, but he is the strongest hold birahinya. (HR: Al-Jama'ah except
Nasa'i) hadeeth Saheeh.
5. Narrated Abdullah bin Furuuj: That there is certainly a woman asked Umm Salamah. She said: Verily, my husband and he kissed me and I was in a state of fasting, how do you think? And he answered: It is the Prophet r used to kiss me while he and I in a state of fasting. (HR: Aththahawi and Ahmad with a good chain in accordance with the conditions
6. Narrated Luqaidh bin Shabrah: The Messenger of Allah said: When you beristinsyaaq (sucking water into the nose)
harden unless you are in a state of fasting. (HR: Ashhabus Sunan)
7. The word ibn Abbas: No, why the fast vinegar and a tasting that will be bought (Ahmad and Al-Bukhary).
Hadith-hadith mentioned above give a lesson to us that those things below when practice does not invalidate the fast:
  1. Pour water on the head during the day due to wear or hot air, so dive into the water during the day.
  2. Menta'khirkan junub after adzan Shubuh bathroom. (Evidence: 1)
  3. CUPPING during the day. (Evidence: 3)
  4. Kissing, mix, sweetheart wife, but not until intercourse during the day. (Propositions 4 and 5)
  5. Beristinsyak (inhaling water into the nose), especially if you want to make wudu, not amplified menghirupnya original. (Evidence: 6)
  6. Injected during the day.
  7. The original food sample is not swallowed. (Evidence: 7)
1. Narrated 'Umar bin Khaththab reported. The Messenger said: When the night has come from the here and the day had gone from the here, is
the sun had set, then the person can break their fast. (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
2. Sahal bin Sa'd narrated: The Messenger of Allah said: People (Muslims) are still in good condition for mentakjilkan
(Prompt) breaking. (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
3. Diriwayatakan from Anas., He said: Allah's fast by eating some ruthaab (wet dates) before the prayer, if not there then with dry dates, if not there then took a sip of water with a few gulps. (HR: Abu Dawud and Al-Hakiem)
4. Narrated Salman bin 'Amir, that verily the Prophet. said: When one of you should break their fast with
dates, when there are no dates to be water, water is to be clean. (Reported by Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi)
5. Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah's is. He finished breaking pray (means) went thirst and get wet all the veins and reward
immanent God willing. (HR: Ad-Daaruquthni and Abu Dawud hadith hasan)
6. Narrated Anas, he said: Allah's Messenger has said: When dinner was provided, then start eating before the Maghrib prayers, do not precede the prayer of the dinner (which was terhidang). (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
7. Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Messenger. have said, Eating sahurlah you because he Suhur blessing. (HR:
8. Narrated Al-Miqdam bin Ma'di Yaqrib, from the Prophet. said: 'Do you all morning meal, because the watches are foods that are a blessing. (HR: An-Nasa'i)
9. Narrated Zaid bin Thabit, t said: We sahur with the Prophet. then we got up to perform the prayer (Shubuh). I said:
How when the distance between them (between the hours of the morning and time Shubuh)? He said: During the read fifty verses. (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
10. Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun, he said: It is the companions of Muhammad. was the most prompt and delayed morning meal break. (HR: Al-Baihaqi)
11. The Messenger said: When anyone of you heard adzan and plates still in his hand he should not be placed
solve seeker (eat / drink watches) from it. (Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud and Al-Hakiem)
12. Narrated Abu Usamah ra. He said: Prayer has di'iqamahkan, is a drink is still in the hands of Umar. he   ask: What can I take my Messenger? He ra replied yes, and he drank. (Reported by Ibn Jarir)
13. Narrated Ibn Abbas. He said: It is Allah's. the most generous and he was more generous to the utmost in Ramadan when
Gabriel found it, and Gabriel met every night in Ramadan to mentadaruskan he saw. al-qur'an and really Allah's. more magnanimous about the welfare of the (fast do the right thing) of wind sent. (Reported by Al-Bukhary)
14. Reported by Abu Huraira, he says, was The Messenger. encourage qiyamullail (night prayer) in Ramadan without order
compulsorily, he said: Whoever is the night prayer in Ramadan because of faith and hoping for reward from Allah, forgive him his sins of the past. (HR: Jama'ah)
15. Narrated Aisha. The Messenger. when entering the last ten days (of Ramadan), he really turned the night (
of worship) and developing his wife (to serve) to tighten the bonds of the holster (not mengumpuli his wife). (HR: Al-Bukhary and
16. Narrated Ayesha, he said: It is Allah's. earnest prayer at night during the last ten days (of Ramadan) is not as enthusiasm for a month otherwise. (HR: Muslim)
17. Narrated Abu Salama din Abdur Rahman, for he has asked Aisha: What night prayers in the month of the Prophet
Ramadan? then he said: Allah's prayer and the night was never more than eleven rak'ahs good in Ramadan or in other months, how:
He asked the prayers of four Rak'aas do well and long, then the prayer of four Rak'aas do were good and long, then the prayer three
Rak'aas. (HR: Al-Bukhary, Muslim and others)
18. Narrated Aisha. He said: It is Allah's. when I get up prayers at night, he opened with a prayer of two rak'ahs light,
then eight Rak'aas prayers and Witr prayer. (HR: Muslim)
19. Narrated Ibn Umar said, A man stood and said: Messenger of Allah, how prayer night? Then
Prophet r. replied: Prayer that night two Rak'aas two rak'ahs. When you worry Shubuh in prayer, then berwitirlah a Rak'aas. (HR: Jama'ah)
20. `A'ishah. He said: The Messenger of prayer in the mosque, and the companions of his prayers in accordance with the prayer (bermakmum behind), then
Prayer on the second night he and his companions behind bermakmum multiply, then on the night of the third or fourth of their
gathered, the Prophet did not come out of their lead. After the morning he said: I know what you do, no one
I turn to go out to you (to lead the prayer) but I fear this night difardhukan prayer for you. This occurred during Ramadan. (HR: Al-Bukhary and Muslim)
21. From Ubay bin Ka'b, t. He said: It is Allah's. Witr prayer with the reading: Sabihisma Rabbikal Ala) and (Qul ya ayyuhal unbelievers)
and (Allah knows Qulhu Sunday). (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah Annasa'i)
22. Narrated Hassan bin Ali t. He said: The Messenger. has taught me some words I read in Witr qunut: (means) Yes
God give me guidance and those who have guided you, give me perfect health with those who you give
perfect health, Lead me and those whom thou hast led, Bless me what thou hast given, save me from what
You have specified. Maka sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang memutuskan dan tiada yang dapat memutuskan atas Engkau, bahwa tidak akan hina siapa saja yang telah Engkau pimpin dan tidak akan mulia siapa saja yang Engkau musuhi. Maha agung Engkau wahai Rabb kami dan Maha Tinggi Engkau. ( HR : Ahmad, Abu Daud, Annasa'i, At-Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah )
23. Dari Abu Hurairah ra. bahwa Nabi saw. bersabda :Barang siapa yang shalat malam menepati lailatul qadar, maka diampuni dosanya yang telah lalu. ( HR :
Jama'ah )
24. Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. Sesungguhnya Rasulullah saw. telah bersabda : berusahalah untuk mencari lailatul qadar pada sepuluh malam terakhir. (HR : Muslim )
25. Diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar ra. ia berkata : Dinampakkan dalam mimpi seorang laki-laki bahwa lailatul qadar pada malam kedua puluh tujuh, maka
Rasulullah saw. bersabda : Sayapun bermimpi seperti mimpimu, ( ditampakkan pada sepuluh malam terakhir, maka carilah ia ( lailatul qadar ) pada malam-malam
ganjil. ( HR : Muslim )
26. Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. ia berkata : Saya berkata kepada Rasulullah saw. Ya Rasulullah, bagaimana pendapat tuan bila saya mengetahui lailatul qadar,apa yang saya harus baca pada malam itu ? Beliau bersabda : Bacalah ( artinya ) Yaa Allah sesungguhnya Engkau maha pemberi ampun, Engkau suka kepada keampunan maka ampunilah daku. (HR : At-Tirmidzi dan Ahmad )
27. Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. ia berkata : Adalah Rasulullah saw mengamalkan i'tikaf pada sepuluh hari terakhir pada bulan Ramadhan sampai beliau diwafatkan
oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla. ( HR : Al-Bukhary dan Muslim )
28. Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. ia berkata : Adalah Rasulullah saw. apabila hendak beri'tikaf, beliau shalat shubuh kemudian memasuki tempat
i'tikafnya.......... ( HR :Jama'ah kecuali At-Tirmidzi )
29. Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. ia berkata : Adalah Rasulullah saw. apabila beri'tikaf , beliau mendekatkan kepalanya kepadaku, maka aku menyisirnya, dan adalah beliau tidak masuk ke rumah kecuali karena untuk memenuhi hajat manusia ( buang air, mandi dll...) ( HR : Al-Bukhary dan Muslim )
30. Allah ta'ala berfirman : ( artinya ) Janganlah kalian mencampuri mereka( istri-istri kalian ) sedang kalian dalam keadaan i'tikaf dalam masjid. Itulah batas-batas ketentuan Allah, maka jangan di dekati...( Al-Baqarah : 187 )
31. Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra. ia berkata : Telah bersabda Rasulullah saw: Setiap amal anak bani Adam adalah untuknya kecuali puasa, ia adalah untukku
dan aku yang memberikan pahala dengannya. Dan sesungguhnya puasa itu adalah benteng pertahanan, pada hari ketika kamu puasa janganlah berbuat keji , jangan
berteriak-teriak ( pertengkaran ), apabila seorang memakinya sedang ia puasa maka hendaklah ia katakan : " sesungguhnya saya sedang puasa" . Demi jiwa Muhammad yang ada di tanganNya sungguh bau busuknya mulut orang yang sedang puasa itu lebih wangi disisi Allah pada hari kiamat daripada kasturi. Dan bagi orang yang puasa ada dua kegembiraan, apabila ia berbuka ia gembira dengan bukanya dan apabila ia berjumpa dengan Rabbnya ia gembira karena puasanya. ( HR : Al-Bukhary dan Muslim)
32. Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ia berkata : Sesungguhnya Nabi saw. telah bersabda : Barang siapa yang tidak meninggalkan perkataan bohong dan amalan
kebohongan, maka tidak ada bagi Allah hajat ( untuk menerima ) dalam hal ia meninggalkan makan dan minumnya. ( HR: Jama'ah Kecuali Muslim ) Maksudnya
Allah tidak merasa perlu memberi pahala puasanya.
33. Bahwa sesungguhnya Nabi saw. bersabda kepada seorang wanita Anshar yang sering di panggil Ummu Sinan : Apa yang menghalangimu untuk melakukan haji
bersama kami ? Ia menjawab : Keledai yang ada pada kami yang satu dipakai oleh ayahnya si fulan (suaminya ) untuk berhaji bersama anaknya sedang yang lain di pakai untuk memberi minum anak-anak kami. Nabi pun bersabda lagi : Umrah di bulan Ramadhan sama dengan mengerjakan haji atau haji bersamaku. ( HR :Muslim)
34. Rasulullah sw. bersabda : Apabila datang bulan Ramadhan kerjakanlah   umrah karena umrah di dalamnya (bulan Ramadhan ) setingkat dengan haji. ( HR : Muslim)
Ayat dan hadits-hadits tersebut di atas memberi pelajaran kepada kita bahwa dalam mengamalkan puasa Ramadhan kita perlu melaksanakan adab-adab   sbb :
1. Berbuka apabila sudah masuk waktu Maghrib. ( dalil: 6 ) Sunnah berbuka adalah sbb :
  1. Disegerakan yakni sebelum melaksanakan shalat Maghrib dengan makanan yang ringan seperti kurma, air saja, setelah itu baru melaksanakan shalat. ( dalil: 2,3 dan 4 )
  2. Tetapi apabila makan malam sudah dihidangkan, maka terus dimakan, jangan shalat dahulu. ( dalil : 6 )
  3. Setelah berbuka berdo'a dengan do'a sbb : Artinya : Telah hilang rasa haus, dan menjadi basah semua urat-urat dan pahala tetap wujud insya Allah. ( dalil: 5 )
2. Makan sahur. ( dalil : 7 dan 8 ) Adab-adab sahur :
a. Dilambatkan sampai akhir malam mendekati Shubuh. (dalil 9 dan 10 )
b. Apabila pada tengah makan atau minum sahur lalu mendengar adzan Shubuh, maka sahur boleh diteruskan sampai selesai, tidak perlu dihentikan di tengah sahur
karena sudah masuk waktu Shubuh. ( dalil 11 dan 12 ) * Imsak tidak ada sunnahnya dan tidak pernah diamalkan pada zaman sahabat maupun tabi'in.
3. Lebih bersifat dermawan (banyak memberi, banyak bershadaqah, banyak menolong) dan banyak membaca al-qur'an ( dalil : 13 )
4. Menegakkan shalat malam / shalat Tarawih dengan berjama'ah. Dan shalat Tarawih ini lebih digiatkan lagi pada sepuluh malam terakhir( 20 hb. sampai akhir
Ramadhan). (dalil : 14,15 dan 16 ) Cara shalat Tarawih adalah :
  1. Dengan berjama'ah. ( dalil : 19 )
  2. Tidak lebih dari sebelas raka'at yakni salam tiap dua raka'at dikerjakan empat kali, atau salam tiap empat raka'at dikerjakan dua kali   dan ditutup dengan witir tiga raka'at. ( dalil : 17 )
  3. Dibuka dengan dua raka'at yang ringan. ( dalil : 18)
  4. Bacaan dalam witir : Raka'at pertama : Sabihisma Rabbika. Roka't   kedua : Qul yaa ayyuhal kafirun. Raka'at ketiga : Qulhuwallahu ahad. ( dalil : 21 )
  5. Membaca do'a qunut dalam shalat witir. ( dalil 22 )
5. Berusaha menepati lailatul qadar pada sepuluh malam terakhir, terutama pada malam-malam ganjil. Bila dirasakan menepati lailatul qadar hendaklah lebih giat
beribadah dan membaca : Yaa Allah Engkaulah pengampun, suka kepada keampunan maka ampunilah aku. ( dalil : 25 dan 26 )
6. Mengerjakan i'tikaf pada sepuluh malam terakhir. (dalil : 27 )
Cara i'tikaf :
a. Setelah shalat Shubuh lalu masuk ke tempat i'tikaf di masjid. ( dalil 28 )
b. Tidak keluar dari tempat i'tikaf kecuali ada keperluan yang mendesak. ( dalil : 29 )
c. Tidak mencampuri istri dimasa i'tikaf. ( dalil : 30)
7. Mengerjakan umrah. ( dalil : 33 dan 34 )
8. Menjauhi perkataan dan perbuatan keji dan menjauhi pertengkaran. (dalil : 31 dan 32 )
Maraji' (Daftar Pustaka):
1. Al-Qur'anul Kariem
2. Tafsir Aththabariy.
3. Tafsir Ibnu Katsier.
4. Irwaa-Ul Ghaliel, Nashiruddin Al-Albani.
5. Fiqh Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq.
6. Tamaamul Minnah, Nashiruddin Al-Albani.
Oleh Ustadz Abu Rasyid

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